Reflections from lockdown
As lockdown slowly begins to ease have you taken the time to reflect on what you have missed & look forward to the most?
Maybe its hugging a loved one, kissing your grandchild, laughing with others over dinner, coffee with a friend, catching up on the office gossip, getting back to your yoga class, hairdresser, massage therapist, or maybe it’s even simpler than that & you just want to be able to go about your day & interact with everyone & anyone you meet without needing to stay 2m apart.
Whatever is on your list my guess is that for most people it is likely to include other people, human connection & physical touch.
It’s hardly a surprise, humans are social animals & touch is the first sense to develop in the womb so when we are deprived of social connection we are going against an inherent need.
So, while in the current environment reducing contact with others is critical to prevent the spread of disease, it is also one of the most important factors in good physical, mental & emotional wellbeing.
There is growing evidence that social isolation & loneliness can be more harmful to your health than obesity, smoking & high blood pressure & can increase the risk of early death. It is also one of the lost connections that contributes to anxiety & depression (just read a great book on that but that’s for another day!). We are, of course, very lucky, modern technology allows us to connect virtually & see each other on our screens, so most of us are far from isolated, but it’s a poor substitute for those in person interactions we once took for granted. It’s less meaningful because being physically present conveys so much more & touch helps us deepen our connection to one another, communicate emotions & feelings, protects us against stress & boosts the immune system. It is so important & yet very easy to overlook.
Transport yourself back to the pre covid world now, & your busy life juggling work, play, family & your other commitments & think about what you are missing right now. Were you doing enough of those things & making meaningful connections or is now a good time to resolve to make a change & start developing some new habits, even if digital for now.