The Face behind the Name
Hi there, I’m Helen, the face behind Swastha, and so you might have guessed I am a huge advocate for the power of holistic therapies, although my story may be a little different to what you might expect so let me explain a bit about me and where my interest in Ayurveda, Yoga and Mindfulness came from.
For me, I came to be where I am now as a result of a very natural evolution in my interests and desire to help myself and those around me be well, and stay well, for as long as possible. I am a firm believer in the concept of prevention is better than cure, so while I won’t be able to share personal details of an inspirational journey back to health or recovery from a challenging life event as a result of these practices, instead, what I can say is that I believe they have helped me stay well in the face of everything life throws at us day to day.
My daily world, for the past 15+ years, is (and continues to be) very corporate in nature. I enjoy a fulfilling, although challenging career in a global blue chip company. At times the work is fast paced, involves extensive travel across Europe and the US and work patterns can be unpredictable so I understand that life can be hectic, stressful and often exhausting. It seems to be a symptom of modern day living and it leaves little time for self care once all of the other demands of life are factored in.
That’s why knowing when and how to switch off and listen to yourself and what you need to sustain and nourish yourself is critical. Ironically, often when we need it most, self care is the first sacrifice we make and unfortunately there is usually a price to pay, although it can take some time for the impact to become clear - physically, mentally & emotionally.
Health and happiness is so often taken for granted until we lose it, and like time, it’s a precious commodity which money can’t buy so I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the real meaning and to have experienced the benefits of these age old philosophies to maintain my ‘Swastha’ state.
Its not an easy task, these are practices not quick fixes but from my perspective health is your most important asset and that’s why I am passionate about sharing the ancient practices of Ayurveda, Yoga & Mindfulness to help others find (or return to) their personal happy, healthy, balanced state of wellbeing
My interest in all things health and wellbeing related started many years ago when I was trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life. The path I chose was academic and focused on a scientific understanding of the human body (I have a BSc Hons in Biomedical Science & an MSc in Biotechnology), however alongside this I held an active interest in food and its effects on the body. My interest has never changed but the principles and perspectives I hold have evolved into a more holistic whole person view as I have explored and discovered Ayurveda, Yoga and Mindfulness together.
My personal yoga practice, came about perhaps much like it does for many people, driven mainly by the physical aspect of building tone and core strength in the body. At the same time my interest in food meant that I decided to make a shift to a vegetarian diet as I took a more active interest in paying attention to what I was eating and what made me feel good.
Many years on, 15 plus in fact, I still practice yoga but my practice has evolved and broadened to include mindfulness/meditation and other practices, I am also now largely plant based but expanding my knowledge in Ayurveda has given my diet and lifestyle approach a very different meaning.
Learning & exploring personally led me to train in these disciplines (all of which complement each other) and I am now a qualified Ayurveda Lifestyle & Nutrition Consultant, Ayurvedic Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher & Yoga Therapist & Mindfulness Instructor
Opening my eyes to the core philosophies of these ancient wisdoms has brought them more deeply into my frame of reference. In hindsight I was already using many of the principles without really understanding where they came from & why - for that I will always be grateful because I truly believe they have each in their own way helped me to stay healthy through all of the ups and downs of life and long may that continue to be the case.
Healthy & balanced looks different on everyone - my wish for you is that together we can find what it looks like on you!